Escape Room

Task Description: For this cybersmart task we needed to go onto a google form and make an escape room. My escape room is based of homework (Math, Grammer, Syllables) so you need to give 120% of your effort to complete this quiz. So have fun and enjoy my escape room.

Blackout poem

Task Description: For this cybersmart task we needed to blackout some words in the iris and dog start text. So I just blackout some words in the poem and changed 2 of the words to make a sentence then i highlighted the other words i wanted in white to stand out, so now I got a blackout poem.


Task Description: for this cybersmart task we needed to write some people we trust at school and home. It also tell us Trusted adults to tell at the right time e.c.t:

If we receive a mean email or uncomfortable blog comment don’t wait till you go home to tell your parents go and tell your teacher or principal or anyone who is out there with you at school.


Task Description: For this Math task we needed to write what is probability and what uses are probability used in. What is probability: Probability is when you assumptions are made or the likely chances of something happening, we make assumptions almost all the time. For example when we look up at the sky and we say hmm it might rain today thats an assumptions.

League Fighters

Task Description: For this cybersmart we needed to make a google slide animation. My animation’s thyme is  based upon a fighting between two  characters . These characters use abilities to damage their health on the top (all the abilities that were created were made using polyline. Spoiler alert:
The winner is the character on the right he takes a lot of damage then uses his final ultimate ability and destroys the other in an instant.

Stem and Leaf Graph

For this stem and leaf graph we needed to find how to use a steam and leaf graph and find some  advantages and disadvantages that come with a stem and leaf graph. like a stem and leaf graph is cannot hold a large range of numbers or else it will get so messy that the graph with be hard to use properly. So i don’t recemound this graph.