Matariki Festival (Reflection)


At the beginning of the matariki festival I was really excited.

But when the time came I figured out it was harder than expected.

The thing that really got me shocked was that one person bought the entire shop. Yes we sold out in one minute.

I thought all the money was going to go to the school but luckily we got some money.

We also had a colouring competition and an auction. The winner of the colouring competition gets first + goody bag second place gets secound + goody bag  ( not as good as 1) third gets third place + goody bag (not as good as 1 or 2).

But at the end it was a lovely experience.



Persuasive writing

Persuasive writing


Why should school have a longer break period Because it clears the mind ready for the next subject.



Schools should have longer break periods because it is really good fitness for themselves physically and Mentally. It also clears their mind so when it is time for the next activity they are ready. Did you know that the fitter you are the longer you live. If kids get longer break periods they’re going to be more settled for when it is time to do schoolwork. 



Kids get to meet new people and meet new friends. The teachers get a longer break if the students get a break so it is a win-win for everyone, students and teachers also principals. 



Like almost every kid likes more time to play so that will also attract more children.And if more kids come we could show more people that glen taylor is a really kind and sharing school



We should act now because students are becoming older because 6.6 percent of the world is 10 – 14/intermediate  years old so they are moving to college. So this is how I am going to persuade you into making break periods longer.