Tag: Pollination

What is pollination


What is pollination 


Pollination is when Insects collect pollen on accident and transfer it onto the stigma.

There are 2 types of pollination. Insect Pollination and Wind Pollination.


Insect pollination

Insect pollination  is when Insects go and collect pollen then they get all sticky and have pollen on them, then when they go onto a different plant the pollen accidentally goes on to the sigma, then it collects from then down the style into the ovary. Did you know that some types of birds feed on pollen.


Wind pollination

Wind pollination  is when there is an open plant and the wind sweeps in and collects some pollen. The difference between an open plant and a closed plant is that the anther and stigma is exposed to the wind while the closed plant is when the anther and stigma is covered by petals. Another example is an open plant’s pollen. There are mini pieces of pollen which are lighter, while a closed plant is more sticky and hard to get.


My Opinion 

I think bee pollination is one of the most important pollinations because that is the process on how to make honey.